piLai lokAchAryAr vaibhavam
translation of yatheendra pravana prabhAvam
samsArabogi santhashta
jeevajeevAthavae nama:
(I humbly bow to sri piLai
lokAcharya, who is son of vadaku thiruveethi piLai, who is medicine for jeevAs
who has been bitten by snake called samsArA)
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piLai lokAchAryA - periya kovil |
dravidAmnAya hrudhayam
darshitham krishnasoonunA
(a granthA named
Acharya hrudhyam which is acharyA’s parambara kramam was done by sri azhagiya
manavAla perumAl nayanAr, who is the son of krishnar alias vadakku thiruveethi
Thiru avathAram
One day Nampillai was there in his graham in
madhyAniha kAlam after finishing kAlakshebham. During that time, ammi,
thiruthAyAr of vadakku thiruveethi pillai came and prostrated before nampillai.
Nampillai asked about gruhayogakshemam of ammi. Ammi replied that after you
have done marriage for your sishya, we left them for sahasayanakalyAnam. Then
He came out with lot of sweats, crying that there is a snake inside the room.
Nampillai on hearing this with smile asked her again, “what needs to be done?”
she replied that she needs a son for vamsa vrudhi & fell at the lotus feet
of nampillai. The nampillai asked her to bring her daughter-in-law and blessed
her to have a son like nampillai himself. Then He summoned vadakku thiruveedhi
pillai and ordered him that “for acharyan’s order and for logamariyAdhai, get a
son for your vamsam”.
Then after 12 months has been passed by, a son was
born on aippasi thiruvonam. Vadakku thiruveethi pillai named Him as
“lokAcharyAr piLai”, to show his faith towards nampillai and went before Lord
RenganAthA on apthapoorthi day. NamperumAl was very much pleased and offered
theertham, sri sadakopan, sandhanam, sukandham, thirumAlai. Then through
archakAs gave arulipAdu to nampillai as “you have blessed a son like yourself.
Now, bless another one like us”. Nampillai was very much pleased and blessed as
Sri RenganAtha has ordered. This is Sri Azhagiya manavAla perumAl nayanAr’s
Swami piLai lokAchAryA in Srivilliputhur
lokAchArya is considered to be the avatAra of Lord kachi devaperumAl himself.
This is explained in Annex - I
piLai lokAchAryAr vaibhavam
piLai lokAchAryAr’ thiruavadhAram
is equivalent to nammAzhwar’s thiruavadhAram and He is considered as avadhAra
vishesham due to nampillai’s grace. His holy brother azhagiya manavAla perumAl
nAyanAr, grew upon the grace of piLai lokAchAryAr. Both of them grew like
perumAl and ilaya perumAl as bAlyath prapruthi susnikthar & nambi mootha
pirAn and Krishnan.
dAsarathyAnAnum sangavanna
nambiyudan pinandanthu
vanthAnum – pongupunal
ulagAriyanum aran
thAngu manavAlanume
Among these two, piLai
lokAchAryAr did the following granthams owing to his grace; so that women and
people without inner sAstric knowledge can also study and understand sampradAya
arthA visheshams.
2. thanidwayam
3. thanicharamam
4. paranthapadi
5. sriya:pathipadi
6. yAthruchikappadi
7. mumukshupadi
8. samsAra sAmrajyam
9. sAra sangraham
10. tatvatrayam
11. tatvasekaram
12. prapana parithrAnam
13. premeyasekaram
14. archirAdhi
15. arthapanchakam
16. navavidha sambandham
17. navarathnamAlai
18. sri vachana booshanam
19. and many so ragasya granthAs.
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piLai lokAchAryA - Melkote |
- koorakulothamadAsar nAyan
- manarpAkathu nambi
- azhagiya manavAla perumAl pillai (koli kAvala dAsa)
- koturil annar
- thirumalaiAzhwAr
- vilAncholai pillai
- thiruputkuzhi jeeyar
- thirukanakudi pillai
- thirumalaiAzhwar thiruththAyar, and other such ammayArs
On doing so they developed,
sath sambhandham and they did nithya kanikaryam as per “ozhivil kAlamellAm”.
thaNil nirum sirantha manpAkaththu nambiyArai
muneduththAruliyezhilarangaththae poyiru neer
solonthoya ulagAriynpAl sernthathanpin avarukku
munnam viriththakalai vachanabooshana mAnithiyae!
Then nayanAr did “vAkbooshanam
vakulabooshana sAstra sAram” Acharya hrudhayam which is sri vachanabooshana
sthAbanArtham. He gave the same to petrAr, who is celebrated as thothavaththi
thooi marayor. Thus, sri piLailokAcharyA and azhagiya manavAla perumAl nayanAr
gave us sri vachana booshanam and acharya hrudham as thathparyams of eedu 30000
padi! Because of this only, our acharyas render both thaniyans during eedu
thaniyan. Then he gave acharya hrudhaya to thirunArayanpruathu Ayee.
Some people envying
piLailokAcharya’s glory and sri vachana booshanam went to namperumAl and told
him that “piLai lokAcharya has done wrong to our darshanam by writing sri
vachana booshanam”. namperumAl on hearing this asked piLailokAcharya to be
taken before him. piLailokAcharya was bathing during that time and because of
the same azhagiya manavAla perumAl nayanAr appeared before namperumAl.
namperumAl asked Him the same question through archakAs and azhagiya manavAla
perumAl nayanAr established sri vachana booshana through his grantham acharya
hrudhayam. perumAl listened to this granthAm as if he listened thirumAlai from
thondaradipodi Azhwar and became much blissful on hearing this. He immediately
ordered people who envied to move out of the place and gave bramharatham to
azhagiya manavAla perumAl nayanAr. piLailokAcharya on hearing this was much
joyful and hugged His holy brother as “valarththanAl payan petren”.
Note from (Sri V.V.R Swamy)author: Sri manavAla mAmunigal has said that sri vachana
booshana divya sAstram was done based on niyamam of sri namperumAl. Hence this
idhiyam seems doubtful. Better to get cleared thorugh Acharya
Azhagiya mavavAla perumAl nayanAr
did vyAkyanas for some prabandhams including thirupAvai. Owing to this only,
Jeeyar has stated as “thancheerAl vayakuruvin
thambi mannu manavAlamuni seyumavai thAmum sila”.
Then after some time, azhagiya
manavAla perumAl nayanAr ascended to paramapadham. piLai unable to bear
separation of bhagavatha took His thirumudi in his thirumadi and rendered the
following in utmost sorrow.
mAmudumbai mannumanavAla
vaikunthamsenrakkAl – mAmenru
solluyanthuanthanninAzh porulum
Then piLai performed charama
kainkaryam and thiruadhyayanam for azhagiya manavAla perumAl nayanAr.
NamperumAl leaving Periya kovil
The time during which
piLailokAcharya was enhancing the richness of charama pramAna prameya pramAthru
(Arulicheyal, Archai, Acharya) and was prAna boothar of namperumAl, srirangam
was under invasion from thurushkAs and was not fit for dwelling of namperumAl
along with nAchimArs. piLailokAcharya then created a stonewall in front of
periyaperumAl and placed a small vigrahA in front of the wall. namperumAl left
srirangam like “sutramelAm pinthodara tholkAnamadainthu” “thambiyodum
thAmoruvartham thunaivikAthal thunaiyAga”. piLai followed namperumAl to perform
all kinds of kainkaryams like ilaya perumAl who followed sri rAmA “vAlum villum
kondu” doing mangalAsAsanam as per “uruvArkaranchangu sumanthingum modoru
perumAl went inside deep forests
that is full of “silai kai vedar” like “pravishyathu mahAranyam rAmo
rAjeevalochana” and “vanamsapArya: pravivesa rAgavassalakshmanasoorya
ivApramandalam” (rAmapirAn along with seethA and lakshmana went inside forest
like sun going inside clouds). There some of the theives threatening to take all
the ornaments of namperumAl. Hearing this, piLai lokAcharya came forward and
corrected them. On seeing this some of them came forward and fell in the lotus
feet of piLai lokAcharyA.
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Loga desikan - thirukacchi |
kallarpatriva kaththiruvarkAriyappae roruvar vanthu
pathampanithu pachaikattapAngudanae vAnkinAppol vAngi neengi
dhanmithanai nambinomel namperumAlumparudan nayanthu vAzhum
perunchelvamilaiyenru yermudumbai ulakAriyanu muraiseithAnae!
ulagAriyan ascending to thriunAdu
Then they travelled upto jyothiskudi village with
namperumAl. There piLai lokAcharyA got thirunovu in His thirumeni. Seeing all
these, His dear sishyas asked Him what is thanjam for them now? There sri piLai
lokAcharya blessed thirumalaiAzhwAr, who was handling rAjya kAryams in Madurai,
to become the front runner of this darsanam. Then he ordered
- koorakulothama dAsar to give ragasyAs and sampradAya arthams to thirumalaiAzhwar
- thirukkanankudi piLai and thiruputkuzhi Jeeyar to give the inner meanings of thiruvAimozhi
- nAlor piLai to give 3000 vyAkyanA
- vilAncholai piLai to give sapthA kAthai and other artha visheshAs
- vilAncholai piLai to do nithya vAsA at thiruananthapuram
Then piLai lokAcharya thought of ascending to
paramapadham medidated on piLai’s thiruvadi and ascended to thirunAdu on jyesta
suththa dwAthasi. All sishyas there were filled with utter sorrow and was unable to
move for some time. Then they did charama kainkaryam with perumAl’s
thiruparivattam, thirumAlai and celebrated thiruadhyayanam. piLai lokAcharya’s thirunakshatram is aippasi
vAzhi ulakAsiriyan
vAzhi avan mannu kulam
vAzhi mudumbai yennum
mAnagaram – vAzhi
manam soozhntha
perinbamalgu miga nAllAr
inam soozhnthirukkum
manavAlan mAran manamuraithAn
– manavAlan
vAzhiyavan urai seitha
vAneem punyasudhApakAm
sadajithsvairam vikAhyAthrAth
mathrachakrathukupau lokopakArAthmkau
yao vAkbooshana
desikendrahruthayApikyao prabanthAvimau
the vanthe
bhuvanAryasundaravarao krishnAthmajao desikau
[I humbly bow to two
Achayras piLai lokAcharya and azhagiya manavAla perumAl nayanAr, who are the
sons of vadakku thiruveethi piLai, who helped people by authoring two prabandhams
sri vachana booshanam and Acharya hrudhyam which was done by immersing in the
amudhapravAham called thriuvAimozhi done by nammAzhwAr and taking the amrutha
from the same]
piLai lokAchAryA along with manavAla mAmunigal - Sri perumbudhur
Annex – I piLai lokAcharyA’s avathAra ragasyam
piLai lokAcharyA is considered to be the avathAra of Lord
kachi devaperumAl Himself. This can be inferred from the following idhiyams.
Sri manavAla mAmunigal in sri
vachana booshanam vyAkyAna avathArigai
Out of His nirheduga krubhai,
perarulAla perumAl blessed some ragasya artha visheshAs to marpAkathu nambi.
Then he ordered marpAkathu nambi to reside in between two rivers and Lord will
bless more of these arthAs there. marpAkathu nambi came to srirengam and in
ekAntham was thinking about these arthAs blessed by deva perumAl. There sri piLai
lokAchArya came with close mudhalis and started blessing ragasya arthAs to
them. manarpAkathu nambi was surprised to see that these were the arthAs that
were blessed by perarulAla perumAl and fell at the lotus feet of sri piLai
lokAchArya. He enquired sri piLai lokAchAryA as “avaro neer?”. piLai then
responded as “Avathu yethu”.
piLai getting eedu in deva perumAl sannidhi
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mudumbai annal - thiruvaliKeni |
thriuvAimozhi piLai wishing to
hear arthA visheshAs of thiruvAimozhi from thiruputkuzhi jeeyar, went to
thiruputkuzhi. But He was shaken to hear that thiruputkuzhi jeeyar has ascended
to thirunAdu when he went there. Then the achArya purushAs, koil parikarams
invited thiruvAimozhi piLai to do mangalAsAsanam to deva perumAl and deva
perumAl offered him theertham, sri sadakopan, sAthupadi, thiruthuzhAi,
thirumAlai. During that time nAlur piLai and nAlurAchAn piLai came there to do
mangalAsAsanam to deva perumAl. Hearing about thiruvAimozhi piLai vaibhavam,
they were standing behind in the goshti. archakA while offering sri sadakopan,
offered very well to nAlur piLai and then immediately placed sri sadakopan at
the lotus feet of deva perumAl. Then he took the hands of thiruVaimozhi piLai
and went straight to nAlur piLai, invoked him as “arulAlar thiruvadi
unriyavarae!” and ordered him as “I ordered in jyothishkudi to thiruputkuzhi
jeeyar to offer 3000 vyAkyAna and thiruvAimozhi vyAkyAna. He has arrived here.
Since thiruputkuzhi jeeyar is not here, you offer him eedu vyAkyAna!”
Source: YAtheendra pravana
prabhAvam, thriumalaiAzhwAr vaibhavam
Annex – II Yatheendra Pravana PrabhAvam
Yatheendra Pravana Prabhavam is authored by Sri
Pillai Lokam Jeeyar. It is considered to be the continuation of 6000 padi Guru
Parambara prabhavam, which talks volumes about our poorvAchAryAs and their
greatness. It is the only oldest grantha
that provides the complete and authentic information regarding Srirengam’s
state while invasion took place and the vaibhavams of the acharya’s after
nampillai, especially manavAla mAmunigal.
Loga desikan - Loved this term. Ulagariyan, Ulagasiriyan, Loga Desikan. Should popularise it more.
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